Add subtitles to songs
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Automatic transcription does usually not work well at all with songs and music. This is a shame as adding subtitles is often useful when making videos and karaoke versions of songs.
However, you would normally already have the lyrics to a song. can use the lyrics and a specialized AI model to find the correct timestamps, so that the most frutrating part of the job is done automatically.
Synchronize text
Log into and go to the Add subs to songs tab. Here you can upload a video and paste the lyrics. Make sure the lyrics text is formatted correctly. Each new line in the lyrics field will indicate a new subtitle segment in the result. It’s important that the lyrics you provide exactly match the lyrics as they are sung in the song. Make sure of listening first if you paste in lyrics you found somewhere.
Start the transcription and wait for it to finish. You can now download the result as an .SRT file that can be used with all common video editing programs. You can also add subtitle effects to create a good looking video directly in by clicking on the Make video with subtitles button.
Since the duration of songs is typically just a few minutes, you can use this functionality for free or quite cheaply in
Translate lyrics provides state-of-the-art translation of normally difficult to translate content such as songs. We use the best models from Open AI to translate context dependent and non-literal text such as songs. You can download the translated lyrics as an .SRT file and use it to make engaging videos in multiple languages for your social media.
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Get the boring job done by AI and focus on the creative and giving parts.