Easy and fast
automatic transcription.

All-in-one tool for transcriptions and subtitles

Blazing fast transcriptions. Transcribe 1 hour in less than a minute.

Make shorts with subtitles. Easily create engaging videos with subtitles for Instagram TikTok etc.

Upload any media or paste a link to Youtube or your cloud storage.

No need to install anything. Everything runs in the cloud from your device.

Download and view transcripts as text files or subtitle files. The results are securely stored in your account.

Pay for what you use. Try for free and pay as you go. No subscription needed.

Blazing fast

We use high-performance GPUs and massively parallel processing to give you the fastest transcription on the market

All without any loss in quality or accuracy

Media durationTranscription time
3:47 minutes7 seconds
11:22 minutes6 seconds
1:02 hours2:04 minutes
1:55 hours2:50 minutes
3:48 hours5:30 minutes

Data from real users

Make short vidoes

Easy-to-use and powerful tool to make subtitles of any kind

Engage your viewers like a pro

Upload any media

We support all common file formats of video and audio.

Upload from your device, paste a link to your cloud storage, or paste a link to Youtube.


.mp4, .mov, .mkv, .avi, .wmv, .webm, .m4v, +++


.mp3, .m4a, .wav, .ogg, .aac, .flac, +++

Download and view results

Get the raw transcript text or a subtitle file with timestamps.

Fair pricing

Try for free and pay as you go. No subscription needed. Pay for what you use.

  • 50 NOK per hour of media transcribed
  • Free to make subtitle videos
  • You have all rights to the material

Free services are subject to fair use