Entrepedia med Per-Otto Wold: Slik jobber han med ideer og får de ansatte med seg
Per-Otto Voll, grunnlegger av Spond, deler sine erfaringer om å starte opp selskaper og bygge team. Han snakker om viktigheten av å ha en visjon, finne riktig team, og unngå å bli overkonfident. Voll forklarer også hvordan Spond har utviklet seg fra en bred tjeneste til å fokusere på å hjelpe idrettslag med finansiering og organisering.
Nevnt i episoden
Point Carbon
Voll's first company, a climate analysis firm, which was sold to Thomson Reuters.
Thomson Reuters
The company that bought Point Carbon.
Voll's second company, a tool for organizing sports.
Getting Things Done
A method for task management by David Allen.
Village Book
An idea Voll had for a community-based platform, similar to Neighborhood.
A community-based platform similar to Village Book, mentioned as a successful example.
Aksel Lund Svindal
A former skier and investor in Spond, known for his strong standing in society and his willingness to challenge.
Birger Magnus
An investor in Spond, known for his experience in the maritime industry and his long-term perspective.
Johan Branden
An investor in Spond, known for his involvement in Kahoot, a company that emphasizes purpose-driven branding.
A company that emphasizes purpose-driven branding, mentioned as an example for Spond.
Mats Sukarello
An investor in Spond, known for his contributions to both sports and startups.
A large competitor to Spond, mentioned as an example of how a company can expand its services.
A Norwegian outsourcing company specializing in finding skilled developers in Bangladesh, mentioned as a sponsor.
The country where Cefalo finds skilled developers.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, mentioned as a source of talent for Point Carbon.
Harvard University, mentioned as a source of talent for Point Carbon.
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, mentioned as a source of talent for Point Carbon.
A company mentioned in the context of finding the right investors for a startup.
A company mentioned as an example of finding the right investors for a startup.
A large oil company mentioned in the context of hiring a senior person.
A role in a school organization, mentioned as part of Voll's background.
Times Magazine
A magazine mentioned in the context of a global problem that Spond aims to solve.
A feature Spond launched to help sports clubs earn money by encouraging purchases at partner stores.
String and Pearls
A feature Spond is developing to help sports clubs earn money.
Per Ivar Nikolaisen
Per Otto Voll