#JP086: Greenpod spesial med Liv Hege Seglsten
Jørgensen & Pedersen gjester GreenPod, podcasten til GreenStat, og snakker med Liv Hege Seglsten om bærekraftige forretningsmodeller. De diskuterer sin bok fra 2013, "Ansvarlig og lønnsom", og hvordan bærekraft har utviklet seg fra å være et etisk tema til å bli en del av business. De drøfter også utfordringene med å innføre bærekraftige forretningsmodeller, og hvordan man kan motivere folk til å handle.
Nämnd i episoden
GreenStat's podcast series, which focuses on green opportunities
The energy company that produces GreenPod
Liv Hege Seglsten
An expert on sustainability who invited Jørgensen & Pedersen to be guests on GreenPod
The podcast hosted by Jørgensen & Pedersen, focused on sustainable business
Ansvarlig og lønnsom
A book written by Jørgensen & Pedersen in 2013, about sustainable business models
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
A concept related to a company's ethical and social responsibility
Creating Shared Value (CSV)
A concept that aims to create value for both business and society
Porter and Kramer
Authors of the article "Creating Shared Value", which advocates for a shift from CSR to CSV
Harvard Business Review
A business magazine where Porter and Kramer published their article
A book by Jørgensen & Pedersen published in 2017, about sustainable business models
The Why and How of Corporate Social Responsibility
An article by Jørgensen & Pedersen, exploring the motivations and implementation of CSR
Sustainable Business Strategy
An executive program at NHH, focusing on sustainable business
Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH)
The Norwegian School of Economics, where Jørgensen & Pedersen are professors
An international agreement to combat climate change
An international agreement to protect biodiversity
Fit for 55
The EU's plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030
The EU's classification system for sustainable activities
IRA (Inflation Reduction Act)
US legislation aimed at reducing inflation and promoting clean energy
Business Model Canvas
A framework used to visualize and analyze business models
A music streaming service, used as an example of a disruptive business model
A platform for short-term rental accommodations, used as an example of a disruptive business model
A ride-hailing service, used as an example of a disruptive business model
Nancy Bakken
A researcher who co-authored the article "Unsustainable Business Models" with Samuel Short
Samuel Short
A researcher who co-authored the article "Unsustainable Business Models" with Nancy Bakken
Unsustainable Business Models
An article that analyzes unsustainable business models in different industries
Cradle to Cradle
A design philosophy that aims to create products that are recyclable and non-toxic
William McDonough
The author of "Cradle to Cradle" and a proponent of sustainable design
An outdoor clothing company known for its commitment to sustainability
The price of carbon dioxide emissions, used as an example of a policy measure to incentivize sustainable practices
Hanne-Lene Dahlgren
A vegetarian enthusiast who was a guest on Jørgensen & Pedersen's podcast
An energy company working on green solutions, where Liv Hege Seglsten works
A Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, where Liv Hege Seglsten lives
Ylva Lindberg
A person Jørgensen & Pedersen mentioned in the conversation, potentially involved in sustainability in the Nordfjorden area
Sula fjellet
A mountain in Sula kommune, Norway, mentioned as a hiking destination
A company mentioned as an example of a sustainable business model, working on repairing shoes
Rory Sutherland
An author and behavioral scientist who wrote the book "Alchemy", focusing on behavioral economics
Nicolai Winther
The person who transcribed the podcast episode
Liv Hege Seglsten
Sveinung Jørgensen
Lars Jakob Pedersen