Sløseriombudsmannen Om Da Bodø Kommune Brukte 700.000 Kroner På Nakenbilder
A podcast episode about Sløseriombudsmannen, a Facebook page exposing wasteful spending in Norwegian municipalities. The episode focuses on Bodø municipality's controversial spending of 700,000 kroner on nude photos of its citizens for a cultural event. The host discusses the public's reaction to such spending, the role of local journalists in exposing such issues, and the challenges of holding politicians accountable at the local level.
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A Facebook page dedicated to exposing wasteful spending in Norwegian municipalities, run by Are Søberg, a former fund manager.
Bodø kommune
A Norwegian municipality that spent 700,000 kroner on nude photos of its citizens for a cultural event.
Europeisk Kulturhovedstad
A title given to European cities celebrating their cultural heritage, which Bodø sought to obtain through the nude photo project.
A Norwegian city that has a new cultural center, which is contrasted with Elverum's lack of funds for similar projects.
Erik Hanstad
The first conservative mayor of Elverum, who ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility and limited spending.
The Conservative Party in Norway, which was led by Erik Hanstad in Elverum.
The Labour Party in Norway, which typically holds the majority of seats in Elverum.
Are Søberg
Wolfgang Wee